

So Carter just woke up from his sleep...crying. I try to avoid my natural maternal instinct to rush to his "rescue" and see if he'll fall back asleep (very unlike me). No such luck. I finally go in there to see what all the fuss is about and with snot all over his face he says,
"I just want to eat all my easter eggs!!!"
I of course am annoyed that this is why he is throwing such a fit. I tell him that he can play with them tomorrow and to go back to sleep.
"But MOM! I just wanted to lay with my Mommmmmyyyy!"
Okay. Let me clarify something-I do NOT get called Mommy anymore. It's Mom. Or even Jess if he pleases from time to time. Not Mommy. So this melts my heart.
"Mommy please can I come and lay with you. I want to sleep with you. Please."
Well what do you think I did? Gave in of course! So I carry him and his blanket and his "bubba" and his snot soaked pillow into my room. In my bed. Where I was so happily enjoying a book-that wasn't even a text book! Ugh. The joys of motherhood-2 nights in a row might I add.

Now don't let me fool you, I absolutely adore sleeping with Carter. He cuddles and kisses and loves on me in between the kicking and yelling at me to scoot over and talking in his sleep. But I really do enjoy it-no sarcasm there.

So I'm all ready to cuddle him and sleep next to my baby and just as I start to relax...
I jump up, startled of course. He did in fact, just scream in my ear and possibly damaged my ear drum.  I ask what's wrong?!
First of all, I am deathly afraid of spiders. Fortunately, I have done everything I can to hide this fear from Carter so I don't pass it on to him (or so I thought). Somewhat similar to how my Mom did for me :) So I am freaking out! Where the heck is the spider!?! I don't even want to get back in my bed...I inspect him, his fingers, the bed. And what does my little drama queen do? As I inspect his finger...
His entire body quivers. "Don't touch me Mom! A SPIDER just bit my finger!"
Whatever. There is no spider (at least I seriously hope not). I calm him down and try to get him to sleep. So as I think he's finally sleeping-
Another scream.
Ants! They apparently are everywhere and he cannot sleep with ants in the bed. Seriously? GO TO BED!
Wakes up in tears. Real ones. Tears streaming down his cheeks.
"Mom, there is a spider! ON YOUR SHIRT! LOOK MOM, IT'S ON YOUR SHIRT!!!" 
Freaky!!! There wasn't one, thankfully. I discovered this after jumping and squirming about inspecting my shirt. Next you ask? A butterfly. There is a butterfly in the bed. I had had enough creepy crawlies in my bed for one night. So I asked Carter if there were bugs in his bed.
"No. Just yours Mom."
And I even changed my sheets today! There couldn't possibly be bug infestation quite yet. Oh well...

Off to Carter's bed we go-where it is bug free! After new socks, prayer, and convincing him that there were no ants in his bed-he is sound asleep. For now. Hopefully I didn't just waste the little time  of peace on blogging and not sleeping :) Good night! 

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