
I DID IT!!!!

To the very few readers that I have :),

So I did something very crazy and I am so glad I did. I took my final exams early and completed RN school today!!! Words cannot describe the accomplishment I feel and how thrilled I am to be done and be myself again. I just thought I'd let everyone know about this exciting time in my life. Now all I have to do is pass my state boards...so studying isn't gone for good...but school certainly is!


A HUGE thank you to everyone who has been there to support me through this challenging time and who has put up with me :) I appreciate it more than you know! Could NEVER have done this without you.


"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." Hebrews 10:35-36 (NIV)

Wow, where did the time go?

So just a little refresher for you:

in just 2 days, Jordan and I will get the keys to our new place

in 6 days I will be "done" with nursing school

in 37 days I will be getting married

I cannot express how excited I am to be finishing nursing school soon. This time next week I won't have to be studying (for anything except boards, that is)!!! WOO HOO!

I can't wait to get unpacked in our new home and then have a month to plan our wedding and start our new life together.

How exciting! Now, studying for the day-not too many more of these.


God is SO good!!!

So the youth are at camp this week...without me :( Boo! So I have been a big baby about that. Only because I know how much fun and life-changing camp is!!! And let me tell you, it has been life changing for them already and it's only day 2! One of the students dedicated his life to the Lord tonight, many of them have been filled with the Holy Spirit, and they are having a BLAST! I can't wait to hear more of what God is going to do in these young people's lives! He is so good!!! I am bummed I am not there to share in the excitement with them but I am soooooo excited here at home :) Miss all my girls (and guys too)!

So if you follow, please pray for the Ignite students this week. I pray that they would be receptive to whatever God has in store for them this week and the many ahead. I pray that they would have softened and open hearts to Him. That they would step out of their comfort zone and give EVERYTHING they have and are to God! I pray that this week would be LIFE CHANGING. That they will remember Camp 2010 as the summer that changed their spiritual walk. I pray for passion in their lives! I pray that He would become priority above all else! That this would be carried back to Clarkston with them and would spread like crazy! I pray for something beyond what I can ever think and imagine for them. I pray that not one student would come home without a touch from God. AMEN!

Please pray for them any time you think of them this week! Glory to God!


His place for me

It's been awhile since I've posted. Mostly because all of the crazy things that life brings. But this morning I just needed a place to "vent" I guess...

Sometimes I just have so much on my plate that it overwhelms me, it feels like it just keeps overflowing to effect every area of my life. I feel like no one really understands. If only I could do the things that are most important to me all the time and spend time with the people I love whenever I want, wouldn't that be perfect? There are only a few more weeks of the craziness of school. But then there is wedding planning and moving. Then there are my RN boards. Then I'm sure there is something else. There is always something! I just wish that I could do what I want to be doing these few short weeks before moving...

Lately I have just felt especially alone and left out. Not a fun feeling to have, that's for sure. I just become so frustrated with the situation in general and I continually let it bother me. Today I was reading and I came across this verse,
2 Chronicles 6:2-"I have surely built You an exalted house, and a place for You to dwell in forever.”
The Lord has a place for me in His house, He has promised that to me in His word. And I know I should have comfort in that. I am valuable to Him and He loves me so much.
Psalm 147:3-"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
For any of you reading, if you would just pray for me. It really does hurt to be the one not included or to feel like no one is there and I know that God hears my cries and that someday I will be right where He wants me, right "at home".  Please just pray that God would comfort me, that He would help me to find that place where I "belong", that He would bring me those friends & family that are "there" and that accept me for who I am, that He would bring me unconditional love. I thank Him for those that He has given me and for the love and acceptance that He continually shows me day in and day out, I certainly don't deserve it. Thank you Lord!