
Spaceman Boots

So Carter has put on his first pair of shoes all by himself!!! How exciting! Mind you, this wasn't in preparation for leaving to go anywhere when I usually ask him to try, he found these shoes in his closet and decided that he wanted to wear them. When he came out of his room, he said, "Mommy, look! I put my boots on all by mysef!" And he was wearing these:

These, are his "space man boots!" He will not take them off. He insists upon wearing them around the house with his jeans tucked in them. And he is very happy to have such 'stylish' new shoes:

He is just too cute! If I do say so myself :) We finally got them off of him for his bath. And we shall see what shoes he opts to wear for school tomorrow. Such good fashion sense I instill in him.


  1. lol umm miniature version of napoleon dynamite?!? He's too cute!

  2. hahaha! Yeah...I never thought of that. So true!
