
Family Fun

Family night at Christmas time is so much fun! Last night we built our very own Ginger Bread house. Between Jordan and Carter eating all the candy, we were able to decorate quite the home made of sweets. If this was real wouldn't our little Carter man be in heaven?

Here are a few shots of our creation:
He's excited to start!
Fun stuff!
I'm very concentrated...

So are the boys.
Perfect size hands for this :)
He did such a good job!

He is so proud!
 We completed our evening with some apple pie a la mode and the movie Polar Express. It was such a special time spent as a family, this is definitely one tradition we will continue in our family year after year.


  1. Carter you did and AWESOME JOB buddy!! I know your mommy and daddy didn't help you out at all ;) What an awesome way to spend a family night. Sounds like you guys have a very wonderful tradition on your hands ;)

  2. perfect tradition :-) loved looking at the pics - carter looks like he's having a great time. i am so proud of you and jordan. you are amazing parents! love you guys - and CAN'T WAIT to see you this weekend!!!!!!!!!

  3. 1. Cute House and Great Family Tradition!
    2. Carter's Hair is getting so long
    3. Does Jordan own other shirts? lol I feel like I always see him in a Pistons shirt.
    4. Can't wait to see you all!
