

I have decided to relocate my blog domain to tumblr for a various amount of reasons. I have no idea how this transition will go but am excited about trying something new. You can go to the "old blog" at the link above, but stay tuned for upcoming news at the new site!



Family Fun

Family night at Christmas time is so much fun! Last night we built our very own Ginger Bread house. Between Jordan and Carter eating all the candy, we were able to decorate quite the home made of sweets. If this was real wouldn't our little Carter man be in heaven?

Here are a few shots of our creation:
He's excited to start!
Fun stuff!
I'm very concentrated...

So are the boys.
Perfect size hands for this :)
He did such a good job!

He is so proud!
 We completed our evening with some apple pie a la mode and the movie Polar Express. It was such a special time spent as a family, this is definitely one tradition we will continue in our family year after year.


Carter has a Big Heart

My son, is so very sweet. He has the biggest heart for others and it just makes mine melt. Of course, he is three. So if you are reading this and are wondering what the heck I am talking about- I understand :) But he really does know how to love and he shares it with others. I'm so proud of him.

The other day Jordan was out in the living room. Carter was playing in his room for "quiet time" because he doesn't really nap anymore. He ran out to the living room and said, "Daddy come here! I made something for you!" Jordan went into the room and this is what Carter made for his Daddy:

Isn't he so sweet? Love that boy!


Holding a Heavy Heart

Today is December 10th. Just another day, right? The 10th.

Well it is to most. To most people, the tenth is just another day-perhaps a birthday or anniversary. The tenth used to be just an ordinary day to me. Now, it carries such a deeper meaning. On June 10th, my best friend passed away, my Grandma. Well, that was in June...so what's the problem? It is now December. A different month, season even. Sometimes I don't even realize when it's the tenth, other days it hits me when I say, "What's the date today?" Other days, I know as soon as I wake up, making it hard for me to roll out of bed.

I realized earlier this week that Friday was the 10th of December. June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. Six months. Six entire months of empty living without someone who means the world to me. I realized that my heart was feeling so heavy and so hurt I didn't know what was holding it up anymore. It literally hurts some days. Hurts. One of my organs is in pain. I just miss her so much.

I feel really hung up on the date this week, more than usual. Because I realized it's been half of a year since I last had my Grandma. What's so hard about this for me is not that it has been 6 long months...it doesn't feel like that to me. It feels like she's vacationing in Florida. Like it's been a few weeks but she'll be home any day so I can call. Like when I get a free day I can head over and go spend a day with her. And I can't. And I haven't been able to for quite some time now. It's making my heart heavy.

Now talk about my number one most depressing blog of all time, I know...and I'm sorry. I just want to say that we aren't promised good health or another day on this earth. Recently I've had so patients my age- 23- suffer from unbelievable accidents and who have gone through suffering, whose families have had to suffer. Whose families may not have spent enough time with their loved one, who got in a fight before they became ill, who let selfish desires get in the way of putting their family and loved ones first. It just makes you think.

I'm not saying I did this with my Grandma. I do regret every day being in nursing school when she got sick, I hate it. But she didn't. She was so proud of me. But I do know that in the past I haven't always put family first and I know others that have done the same. So many other things can get in the way-selfishness, annoyance, hurt, jealousy, etc.

I just encourage you if you don't already, don't take your family or your time here on earth for granted. Suck up every minute of it with your loved ones. Seriously-live today so that you'll have nothing to regret tomorrow. I know this all sounds so cliche/corny/whatever, but just love each other. Take time to build up friendships and relationships with family. Some people don't have that at all, so if you do-realize how blessed you really are.


Oh Christmas Tree ~ Oh Christmas Tree!

Our apartment is all decked out for Christmas (to the best of its ability). And I don't mean to brag but can I just say that I love our Christmas tree? It makes it so much cozier in our home and don't get me started on how much I love staring at the lights. I could stare forever!

Sidenote: Notice Max has taken his spot under the tree. He thinks the bulbs are his toys and he is constantly chewing at the branches. Drives me CRAZY :) He is becoming good friends with the spray bottle once again.

The most exciting thing to me though is getting ornaments throughout the years that Carter has made or ornaments that we acquire that are sentimental to us- we have an "engaged" one, an "our first christmas" one that the lovely Christy bought us as a gift, or my "nurse" one. We just put up the first one that Carter made. It just means so much to me. I love our tree because it will be special and full of memories.

This is Carter's tree that Mema got him last year. As you can see he likes to decorate one side only. He is very proud :) 

And last but not least...the nativity. We received this as a wedding gift and I absolutely LOVE my Willow Tree Nativity. It is my favorite thing (second to my beautiful tree of course). I am excited to share the story of Christmas with Carter again this year because he is able to understand it more now, it is so wonderful to watch him learn about Jesus...just another reason why I love Christmas.


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Why, Hello Everyone!

Yes...we are still alive and well here in Clarkston! I almost forgot I had a blog until I read my sister-in-law Lindsay's post. So she has inspired a new post! So much has happened since the last time I blogged.
For example:
1. I am a married woman
2. I moved to a new city
3. I have a new home, with a new roommate 
4. I am not in nursing school
5. I am involved in a ministry I am absolutely passionate about-reaching the youth of our generation
6. I am an actual RN (a "real nurse" as Jordan would say)
7. I have a job in the IICU which I am loving so far
8. The holidays are happening, now with my new family

Wow! That seems like quite a lot to blog about, don't you think?

So I am obviously not going to blog about all the happenings in the Starks family. But wanted to let you all know that God has blessed us over and abundantly and we miss all of you reading very much.

It's also December 1st. Which means, it's pretty much my favorite time of year...minus the cold, the snow, and the busy malls. So basically, I only like the holiday-Christmas!!! I am so excited to be sharing this time of year with my husband and son. It's our first "Starks" Christmas together and I cannot wait. I am already thinking of the traditions I would like to begin in our family and the things I would like to continue from other generations. We now have our very first Christmas tree, it is all up and decorated and it looks wonderful if I do say so myself! The rest of the apartment is a bit lacking in the Christmas decoration department but it just makes it more special to build up the collection over the years to come. 

Thanksgiving and Christmas are so special, the time with family is just priceless. We were able to enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving with both sides of the family last week. This year is full of adjustments in the holiday department. It's tough as a newlywed making time for both families. Who would have thought, right? I also have the luxury of working the holidays from now on, which will take some getting used to. And of course, the hardest adjustment, is having to spend the holiday without the people we love. 

Thanksgiving and Christmas were my Grandma's absolute favorite holidays. I don't think there was another time of year where she was happier. She loved to cook and have family together, hence the love for Thanksgiving. She also was the world's best shopper-she loved to shop, mostly for others. She was the most giving person I've ever known, so Christmas time was a lot of fun for her. She LOVED giving people gifts. Her house was decorated beautifully with a tree in literally almost every room. That is a lot of trees...that were perfectly decorated. Just gorgeous. If you weren't feeling "christmasy" before going to her house you couldn't really help it when you were there. And I definitely didn't forget all of the Christmas cookies and treats that were always on the kitchen counter at this time of year. Peanut Butter Blossoms, anyone? Yum. Oh how Christmas won't be the same this year, but hopefully I can make Christmas as special for Jordan & Carter as she always did for me. 

So those are the happenings in our life at the moment. Happy December everyone!