So, as I said earlier in the week...there are some very new and exciting things happening in our life right now! Now brace yourselves, this was very unexpected so it may come as a big surprise to many of you reading!
Jordan and I went to a Winter Camp recently as youth leaders for our church's youth group. This group of kids are just so amazing and the leaders that are involved in this ministry are awesome!!! We were very blessed to be apart of such a life changing weekend, not only for the students-but for us as well.
While we were there-on the last night of service, Jordan had a word spoken over him by the speaker. In a nutshell-the word was that Jordan is called to ministry and has the gift of prophesy in his life. That the things God has for him in ministry are bigger than we can even think or imagine right now-but they will be fulfilled.
When we left I really didn't know what to think about it and neither did Jordan-he was just really excited and so was I! We didn't really get the chance to discuss it until we got home to Midland but in my mind, we would just really pray and actively seek what God has and if ministry is it then awesome! I also remembered that in the Bible it says that when a word is spoken over someone it will be confirmed two or three times. So I naturally thought 'well, we have at least one more time to hear this word from God for us to be sure that it was a legitimate word.' Of course, questioning if this really was something that God had for us. After getting home and talking with Jordan he really shared his heart with me on it. He said that he has had this word spoken over him before (not the gift of prophecy, but his call to ministry)-and that this was the third time. I wasn't all too familiar with the two times before, but it was never something that we really talked about pursuing in our life together-especially as a calling from God. So of course I was blown away, as was he, to get a word like this from the Lord a third time.
Jordan feels, as do I, that this was a confirmation from God that he is supposed to be in full time ministry. With that being said, when God calls one he also calls his spouse. Being the lucky girl I am that gets to be me in September! In my heart, I've always felt like that my husband would be involved in ministry somehow-I just didn't know any details. With Jordan leading worship for the youth I just assumed this is what He had. But apparently He has much bigger things in store for us! I am up for anything that God has for us and I am just ecstatic to be going on this journey with him.
So-not really knowing where God is going with this or where to go from here...we are just actively praying for God's guidance on what exactly He has called Jordan to do in the ministry, where He has called him to, and how he is going to get there. We would appreciate your prayers more than anything as this is a very exciting and overwhelming time. Obviously, this wasn't something we expected but we are seeking God's guidance and will with our whole hearts because we are willing to do whatever it is that He has for us. So if you would, please please please be praying for God's will to be made clear to us so that we only go in the direction that He has for us and that we would hear clearly from Him.
Thank you all so much and we are just so thrilled to be as blessed as we are! We will definitely keep you posted on any new happenings! :)
Woo Hoo!!! I had no idea that all of this was going on! We are so happy for you two. Let us know if you want to talk ministry anytime and we'd love it! We've got lots of connections and one might work out for you two. Of course, we would always love to have you work with us someday...Sydney and Carter would be the best buddies if they were the only American's living in some other country :) Love you both!