
Mouthy much?

So yesterday morning after getting up with Carter, making him breakfast, and watching his morning cartoons with him I decided that I was keeping him home from school so that we could have a "Mommy & Carter Day". Now, those of you that know me know that my schedule sadly hasn't allowed for very many of these lately so I was very excited! So I called to let preschool know and it was official...I had him all to myself for the day :)

It was a wonderful day-we had so much fun. I was just enjoying him and all the things that 2 year olds bring to a Mom's life. Until about Noon-ish. Carter wanted a grilled cheese sandwich so I made him one, cut it into the shapes he wanted, got him his favorite "chocolate nilk" and we were enjoying our lunch together. Now I like to dip my grilled cheese in ketchup-so of course I passed that trait along to my son. So he too, likes do dip his grilled cheese into ketchup (along with just about everything else). So as he dipped his sandwich into the ketchup he got some on his cheek. The rest of the story goes something like this:

Carter: Mom, I need a napkin.
Me: Okay sweetie, let me get one for you. (Proceed to get him a napkin and hand it to him).
Carter: Mom! This is NOT a napkin.
Me: Yes it is Carter, wipe your face.
Carter: NO!!! Throws the napkin and slams his plate on the table.
Me: (Very firmly) Carter-we do not act that way! You don't tell Mommy "No" and you don't slam things down. That is not nice behavior. ( I get up and start doing the dishes from lunch).
Carter: (About 2 minutes later) MOM! YOU DON'T TALK TO CARTER THAT WAY!!! (With his finger pointed at me).
Me: Excuse me? What did you say?
Carter: Repeats above.
Me: Talk to you what way?
Carter: MEAN!
Me: Carter, YOU don't talk to ME that way! You go sit in time out RIGHT NOW!
(He goes over to time out and has a seat. As I sit him down he looks at me and as plain as day says...)
Carter: Mom, it's okay. I forgive you.
Me: (Silently to myself) ARE YOU KIDDING ME? HE FORGIVES ME??? WHAT A LITTLE BRAT! HOW DARE HE?! UGH! What am I supposed to say to that? Who does he think he is?
(Aloud) UGHH! Carter, Mommy won't say she is sorry for disciplining you...blah blah blah blah (don't even remember). All I know is that I was arguing with my 2 year old. Arguing with him. Really? Who does that? So I just trailed off saying who knows what in the kitchen as I finished the dishes.

After time out I tell Carter that he needs to tell Mommy he's sorry for talking to her that way...

Carter: No, it's okay Mom. I don't.

Where do I go wrong? He'll be 3 at the end of May. What's he going to say when he's 6? Or 16? Sheesh! Lord help me!


Wedding Website!

Hey everyone,

So it's been awhile since I posted but I've been a busy girl-what's new right? But I got a free second this past weekend to finally work on our wedding website. So here it is:


It's still quite the work in progress and some more things I would like to add, but I wanted everyone to get a peek at it-I thought it was pretty cute. More pictures, details, etc. to come. 

In other news, I got to see my Grandma this past weekend. (For those of you that don't know I am extremely close with her. She is an amazing woman and I love her so much. She was diagnosed with cancer last year and then fell and broke her hip in November-so it's been a rough year but God has been getting us through :) ). Anyway, she is doing well. She is getting around much better since she broke her hip-even going a little bit without the walker which is awesome! She has been getting up and around and using her exercise bike as well. She is working so hard :) She is still undergoing chemo treatments and we aren't sure how long those will be lasting but we are just praying for healing in her body!!! The cancer is still "stabilized". It is not growing but it is not shrinking either. But I'm believing in a miracle! It is so nice to get to spend time with her. I love it more than anything. Such a good weekend-weekends with her are the best! Please keep praying!!! Our God is one that heals and performs miracles! 

I'm on spring break by the way!!! WOO HOO! Still not sure why it's at the end of Feb. and why there is a bunch of snow on the ground, but I'll take what I can get. Still a busy week, trying to get a dent in wedding planning (hence the website)...but I'm getting there! I'll post soon! Enjoy the website!!!


You better be in bed!

Funny story: 

After we tucked Carter in tonight he sneaked out of bed and was laying by his door. We knew he was there but were ignoring him in hopes he would return to his bed...he did not. So he kept sighing really loudly to get our attention. Finally, Jordan said to me (loudly), "Mommy, did you know that all the little boys that aren't in bed get spankings?" Carter didn't budge. "I'm going to have to spank all the little boys named Carter that aren't in their beds." After a few rounds of this we didn't hear Carter move so Jordan said, "Okay, I'm going to go spank any little boy that isn't in his bed." Carter yells from his room, "DADDY! I AM IN MY BED!!!" with annoyance. Sure enough, there was Carter in his bed. 

So cute. 


Oh where to go from here...

So, as I said earlier in the week...there are some very new and exciting things happening in our life right now! Now brace yourselves, this was very unexpected so it may come as a big surprise to many of you reading!

Jordan and I went to a Winter Camp recently as youth leaders for our church's youth group. This group of kids are just so amazing and the leaders that are involved in this ministry are awesome!!! We were very blessed to be apart of such a life changing weekend, not only for the students-but for us as well.

While we were there-on the last night of service, Jordan had a word spoken over him by the speaker. In a nutshell-the word was that Jordan is called to ministry and has the gift of prophesy in his life. That the things God has for him in ministry are bigger than we can even think or imagine right now-but they will be fulfilled.

When we left I really didn't know what to think about it and neither did Jordan-he was just really excited and so was I! We didn't really get the chance to discuss it until we got home to Midland but in my mind, we would just really pray and actively seek what God has and if ministry is it then awesome! I also remembered that in the Bible it says that when a word is spoken over someone it will be confirmed two or three times. So I naturally thought 'well, we have at least one more time to hear this word from God for us to be sure that it was a legitimate word.' Of course, questioning if this really was something that God had for us. After getting home and talking with Jordan he really shared his heart with me on it. He said that he has had this word spoken over him before (not the gift of prophecy, but his call to ministry)-and that this was the third time. I wasn't all too familiar with the two times before, but it was never something that we really talked about pursuing in our life together-especially as a calling from God. So of course I was blown away, as was he, to get a word like this from the Lord a third time. 

Jordan feels, as do I, that this was a confirmation from God that he is supposed to be in full time ministry. With that being said, when God calls one he also calls his spouse. Being the lucky girl I am that gets to be me in September! In my heart, I've always felt like that my husband would be involved in ministry somehow-I just didn't know any details. With Jordan leading worship for the youth I just assumed this is what He had. But apparently He has much bigger things in store for us! I am up for anything that God has for us and I am just ecstatic to be going on this journey with him. 

So-not really knowing where God is going with this or where to go from here...we are just actively praying for God's guidance on what exactly He has called Jordan to do in the ministry, where He has called him to, and how he is going to get there. We would appreciate your prayers more than anything as this is a very exciting and overwhelming time. Obviously, this wasn't something we expected but we are seeking God's guidance and will with our whole hearts because we are willing to do whatever it is that He has for us. So if you would, please please please be praying for God's will to be made clear to us so that we only go in the direction that He has for us and that we would hear clearly from Him. 

Thank you all so much and we are just so thrilled to be as blessed as we are! We will definitely keep you posted on any new happenings! :) 


Goin' to the chapel and we're...

Gonna get married! Today is 7 months from the day I say "I do" to the man of my dreams. Can you believe it?

seven months

That is almost half of a year.

I cannot even begin to express how excited I am!!!

Also, in a blog coming later this week or next when I have longer than 5 minutes to sit down and breathe (it's been a crazy week-as will next week, but I'll find time), there are some really exciting things happening in our lives and I just ask for everyone's prayers for direction and guidance! More to come on that later...

 I'm off to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit today. A very hard place for me to be. Going to make it a good day anyway-no matter how sad I am. Have a great day everyone!